Celebrity News
The inclusion rider: I feel you, Frances McDormand
At the 2018 Oscars, Best Actress winner Frances McDormand challenged her Hollywood peers to consider the power of an inclusion rider in their contracts. (more…)
At the 2018 Oscars, Best Actress winner Frances McDormand challenged her Hollywood peers to consider the power of an inclusion rider in their contracts. (more…)
I can appreciate Rihanna’s efforts to highlight sexual violence, but I can’t condone the response she’s advocating in this video. (more…)
I had a crisis of confidence after comparing myself to the ‘Super Mom’ in my social circle. (more…)
Does the world really need spray-on clothing? I think we have more pressing concerns. (more…)
A conversation about sex made me contemplate a few harsh truths about society – and myself. (more…)
The Haiti quake made me stop and think about Good Samaritans in distant lands. (more…)
Some cheaters make headlines, but others are never heard of. Either way, infidelity is a game-changer. (more…)
United States President Barack Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize made me think about leadership. (more…)
The festive season can bring out the worst in people, but kindness costs nothing. (more…)
We need to shake off our apathy if we’re going to make a difference in the fight against HIV and Aids. (more…)